Count Sheep instead of Counting Bed Bugs
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Bed Bug Treatments in Willamette Valley

Are you tired of tossing and turning all night, trying to avoid those creepy crawlers in your bed? Look no further than Valley Pest Control, LLC's top-notch bed bug control service in Salem. Say goodbye to those pesky critters once and for all with our highly-rated bed bug inspection and family-friendly treatments - sleep tight knowing we have you covered.

Our expert bed bug exterminators in Salem specialize in: 

  • Heat Treatments
  • Chemical Fog
  • Chemical Solutions

Experience peace of mind knowing that we have perfected the art of bed bug eradication - trust us, you won't find better results anywhere else.


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Bed Bug Heat Treatments

Are you tired of losing sleep over those pesky bed bugs in your Salem home? Look no further than Valley Pest Control, LLC for a top-notch bed bug control service that will have you resting easily in no time. With our services, you will receive: 

  • Same-day bed bug inspection to pinpoint the problem quickly
  • Family-friendly treatments for a safe environment
  • High-intensity heat treatment to eradicate bed bugs effectively
  • 1-year warranty provided for peace of mind
  • Expert bed bug exterminators in Salem

So, say goodbye to those unwanted roommates and hello to a good night's sleep with Valley Pest Control, LLC. Don't let bed bugs take over your life - let us take care of them for you, quickly and effectively. You'll wonder why you didn't call us sooner!

Bed Bug Fumigation

Are you tired of those pesky bed bugs keeping you up at night? Look no further than Valley Pest Control, LLC for all your bed bug control service needs in Salem. Our team offers same-day bed bug inspection to quickly assess the situation and get rid of those unwanted guests for good. Trust our experienced bed bug exterminators to tackle the job efficiently.

When it comes to bed bug treatments, Valley Pest Control, LLC has you covered with our top-of-the-line fumigation services. Our experts will seal your home, release powerful chemicals to eradicate the bed bugs and their eggs, and provide a 1-year warranty for added peace of mind. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to a bed bug-free environment.

With our chemical bed bug treatment, you can rest easy knowing that your home is in good hands. Our proven methods are designed to eliminate bed bugs quickly and effectively, allowing you to return to a safe and comfortable living space in no time. Don't let bed bugs take over your home - trust Valley Pest Control, LLC to get the job done right.


Areas We Service in Oregon

Being a locally-owned and operated pest control company, we proudly service Oregon. Our services extend to the following cities:

5 Star Review

Valley Pest Control has been great to work with. They’re responsive to my calls and provide prompt, professional service.

Diane Branson
Main Office
5 Star Review

Excellent company, easy communication and gets the job done right very fast

Brett Downes
Main Office
5 Star Review

Thanks for your fast response and working around our schedule!

Joan Johnson
Main Office
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